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Draw Something has killed my other apps.

About three weeks ago or so, my wife introduced me to Draw Something from OMGPOP.  She was like, “here is something to take over all of your free time and to make you not want to touch another app.”  Well, she didn’t quite say it like that but she might as well have.  This has been the perfect app for …

Funny what you find in old drawers…

So I’m deep into fixing and rebuilding my website.  This means that I go through and dredge up all of my old files and drawing drawers to see what I can make presentable to post and show off my abilities.  Its kinda funny what you find.  I find some old freelance jobs that I had totally forgotten about.  I find …

New website, fresh start, and nothing to do with an orangutan.

So, after the crushing defeat I received at my last in-house artist job, I’ve decided to go back into freelancing.  That sounds like a curious thing for me to hear in my own head, “a freelance art career would probably be more stable.”  A freelance artist’s career is probably anything but stable, a toddler using four chairs stacked on top …