The Dreams In Which I’m Dying!
Inspired by the Joker of Batman fame. Also inspired by the awesome and totally tubular 1980’s. And neon, also inspired by neon.
Inspired by the Joker of Batman fame. Also inspired by the awesome and totally tubular 1980’s. And neon, also inspired by neon.
Its been a while since I’ve done a new Age of Nerd comic. I felt the need to do this Ghostbusters/Star Wars crossover in honor of Ghostbusters 30th anniversary this last weekend. The MODOK sketch was just for fun to test out some new art supplies that I got. Fun stuff.
I Want to Know What Love Is. I want you to show me. While I was drawing this piece, I imagined Shredder alone in the Technodrome playing this song and reconsidering his life of crime and vengeance. What if he had just left Hamato Yoshi and Teng Shen alone? Then Rocksteady walks in and Oroku snaps back to reality …
I’ve always loved the design of the Alien Xenomorph, who doesn’t? They are liars! One of the best creature designs in history. I decided to rework my old age of nerd panel into an epic 1980’s album art tribute parody. I’m sure it would have gone triple platinum.
I decided to make a fake 1980’s Dr. Doom LP record album cover. Yeah, its pretty much “just because I could.” Haha. I thought it would be fun to try and replicate the old 80’s art feel. They had all this shiny airbrush chrome and junk. You know, like Doom tried to do some good PR and produce an …
Just a little roundup of recent quick sketch, practice pieces. I found an old nib pen and ink jar. I decided to test it out a bit, its been fun. apocalypse, x-men, ugly dolls, admiral ackbar, star wars, gremlins, gizmo, spike
Samus!!!!!! I have recently been playing back through the old Super Nintendo classic – Super Metroid. It is a great game and still holds up after twenty years. Wow that’s a long time to be sitting in my storage. Samus Aran was always the first lady of gaming. I decided to draw her in the Kid Hero vein with …
I drew this recently after all the “May the Fourth Be With You” celebrations. Its good to do these mixed media practices. Its fun too!
I’ve been reading a lot of old Usagi Yojimbo comics lately, so of course, I had to draw him. They are fun little comics, they remind me of a lot of the comics I read as a young kid. I always loved animal comics like the Disney fare and even the Marvel stuff like Peter Porker the Spider-Ham. Its …
Just the newest random mix! I do stuff like this in between paying jobs to entertain myself and to keep up my skills. And of course to get some street cred. I like likes and reblogs on instagram and tumblr.