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Dr. Doom – Deal With It. Album Cover

  I decided to make a fake 1980’s Dr. Doom LP record album cover.  Yeah, its pretty much “just because I could.”  Haha.  I thought it would be fun to try and replicate the old 80’s art feel.  They had all this shiny airbrush chrome and junk.  You know, like Doom tried to do some good PR and produce an …

Metroid – Samus Aran Kid Hero Art

  Samus!!!!!!  I have recently been playing back through the old Super Nintendo classic – Super Metroid.  It is a great game and still holds up after twenty years.  Wow that’s a long time to be sitting in my storage.  Samus Aran was always the first lady of gaming.  I decided to draw her in the Kid Hero vein with …